The Essential Martingale


Introducing The Essential Martingale. A thoughtfully crafted accessory designed to provide both comfort and style for your beloved sighthound. Our martingale collar is meticulously handmade with care and dedication, ensuring every stitch is a testament to the love and attention poured into its creation.

Made with the well-being of your pet in mind, the organic cotton fabric provides a gentle touch against their fur, allowing for comfortable wear throughout the day.

Size E is needed for the size of the martingale, which is the broadest part of your sighthound’s neck.

The width of the martingale is 3 cm.


Crafted from 100% organic cotton, our martingale collar not only prioritizes the comfort of your furry friend but also champions sustainability. We understand the importance of eco-conscious choices, which is why we’ve opted for organic materials that are gentle on the environment and gentle on your pet’s skin.

The softness of our martingale ensures your sighthound experiences the utmost comfort during walks and adventures.

Each Essential Martingale is custom-made with love, tailored to fit your sighthound perfectly. We believe that every pet is unique, and our custom-made approach ensures that your furry companion receives a collar that not only looks great, but also feels great.

Choose comfort, choose style, choose sustainability – choose The Essential Martingale for your cherished companion.

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