The Getaway Mat


Say hello to our Getaway Mat!

A mat to take away with you on every trip or to use cozy at home!

The top of the mat is made out of soft, organic cotton.
For the filling inside, we use recycled or upcycled padding.
At the bottom, we chose upcycled fabric that’s water- and dirtproof!

Additionally, the mat comes with an easy to use sling so you don’t have to take an extra bag on your getaway!

Say hello to our Getaway Mat!

A mat to take away with you on every trip or to use cozy at home.

The top of the mat is made out of soft, organic cotton. For the filling inside, we use recycled or upcycled padding. At the bottom, we chose upcycled fabric that’s water- and dirtproof! Additionally, the mat comes with an easy to use sling so you don’t have to take an extra bag on your getaway!

Due to the fact that the bottom fabric is upcycled, please be aware that we only have limited availability of each fabric.

Our mats can be used as a settle mat during a training session or a nice and soft mat to take with you when you take your dog out to town! Use it outside so your hound can sunbathe, take it with you when out to the pub, or as a relaxing place when at an appointment!

The mat comes in two standard sizes, but if you would like a smaller or larger size, please contact us so we can make a custom order just for you!

Size medium measures 60cm x 70cm, size large 80cm x 90cm, and size extra large 100cm x 120cm.

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